Please note this is not the final agenda for the GeoNode Summit 2016. However a nearly complete version of the agenda is now available. The agenda may continue to develop almost up to the summit so please do check back occasionally to see the latest.

Main presentations begin Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, workshops will be held to focus learning and discussion around specific topics. All events will take place at the World Food Programme (WFP) in Rome and at Holiday Inn. For a map of key locations, please take a look at the Logistics map.

Monday, November 28 : Pre-Conference Triage

Tuesday, November 29 : Workshops Day

At World Food Programme (WFP)

08:30AM – 09:15AM

Welcome & Agenda - 7th Floor Rooftop by Patrick Dufour

Welcome to the World Food Programme and the Workshops Day. Logistics Patrick Dufour presents agenda.
Workshop leads identify themselves.

09:15AM – 09:45AM

Setup for Workshops - 7th Floor Rooftop

Workshop leads help attendees 1 on 1 with initial setup of their machines. For example, installing as needed:

Also, downloading vagrant boxes, as that can take a while.

09:45AM – 10:00AM



10:00AM – 12:00PM

Desktop Integration - 5th Floor Green Tower 5G98

Workshop on Desktop Integration of GeoNode with desktop mapping clients, e.g., ArcMap and QGIS.

Full details

10:00AM – 12:00PM

Systems Integration - 7th Floor Rooftop

Workshop on Systems Integration of GeoNode with other systems, e.g., HDX and OPweb.

Full details

12:00PM – 01:00PM



01:00PM – 02:30PM

Cloud, DevOps, & Security, Part 1 - 5th Floor Green Tower 5G98

Learn how to efficiently and securely manage a opensource GIS infrastructure using modern DevOps workflows.

Full details

01:00PM – 02:30PM

Search - 7th Floor Rooftop

Workshop on “search” covering catalog search, semantic search, and more.

Full details

02:30PM – 02:45PM



02:45PM – 04:15PM

Cloud, DevOps, & Security, Part 2 - 5th Floor Green Tower 5G98

Learn how to efficiently and securely manage a opensource GIS infrastructure using modern DevOps workflows.

Full details

02:45PM – 04:15PM

GeoNode Trainings and Documentation - 7th Floor Rooftop

Discussion on conducting successful trainings on GeoNode, best practices, lessons learned etc.

Full details

04:15PM – 05:15PM

Sync with Americas - 7th Floor Rooftop

Wednesday, November 30 : Presentations Day

At Holiday Inn Rome - Eur Parco Dei Medici - Diana Room

08:30AM – 08:45AM

Welcome by Olivia Hantz (Chief Emergency Preparedness Branch, World Food Programme)

Welcome by

Olivia Hantz

Chief Emergency Preparedness Branch

Emergency Preparedness and Support Response Division (OSE)

World Food Programme

08:45AM – 09:15AM

Introduction to GeoNode by Core Developer(s)

Introduction to GeoNode:

  • What is it?
  • Key Use Cases
  • History of the Project
  • Growth of the Community
  • Future
09:15AM – 09:30AM

GeoNode: Building Communities and Partner Capacity by Cristiano Giovando

The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) at the World Bank supports the development of GeoNode and its use through the Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI). GeoNode is implemented in several OpenDRI projects to enable governments with an efficient and sustainable way of managing and sharing disaster risk data. This presentation reviews how those investments in GeoNode development have contributed to building open data communities and local partner capacity.

09:30AM – 10:00AM

Q&A: Tech at WFP by Pierre Guillaume Wielezynski (Deputy Chief Information Officer, IT Division, World Food Programme)

Q&A: Tech at WFP

10:00AM – 10:15AM

WFP GeoNode by Dimitris Karakostis

WFP GeoNode is the WFP’s corporate web GIS to publish and share geospatial data and maps. The first version of this software was released in 2012 and since then It has been improved taking into consideration different types of users, GIS professionals or user without any GIS skill. WFP GeoNode provides easy to use tools that allow WFP employees and partners to easily access geographic information, share data and create interactive maps.

All the information in the WFP GeoNode database can be easily consumed by other internal or external web pages. For instance OPweb relies on WFP GeoNode platform for GIS related content, data and maps. WFP GeoNode is also recognized by the broader humanitarian community as a valid source of Geographic information. For example the HDX platform relies on WFP GeoNode for data related to Logistics and WFP locations.

Moreover several Regional Bureaus and Country Offices have initiated long term projects, which are based on WFP GeoNode platform. For example, the Food Security Atlas of Kyrgyz Republic and the Afghanistan Security Access.

Recent developments have added additional functionalities to the platform, such as:

  • the Layer Filtering functionality, which gives the option to download selected parts of a layer by using a Query Builder or a Map tool.
  • the Create Layer functionality, which gives the possibility to create new empty layers or ones with administrative boundaries.
  • the Edit Data functionality, which can be used to edit (non)spatial data of a layer.

WFP GeoNode

wfp-ose on GitHub

10:15AM – 10:30AM

European Commission JRC, Copernicus EMS: crisis response and data sharing by Simone Dalmasso

The European Commission’s Copernicus Emergency Management Service (Copernicus EMS) provides information for emergency response in relation to different types of disasters, including meteorological hazards, geophysical hazards, deliberate and accidental man-made disasters and other humanitarian disasters as well as prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities.

The spatial data produced by the service is released to public in real time while the emergency activation is ongoing. In emergency situations is necessary to have fast, reliable and efficient systems able to provide damage data as well as their context to the end user. The JRC is using GeoNode based systems to share such information with the stakeholders and the broad public relying on advanced caching mechanisms based on Mapproxy managed by GeoNode and custom django apps, also released as open source software.

A first beta version of the system is on line (ActivationViewer) based on GeoNode 2.4 using a custom Angular.js client while a new version based on React.js and the new Boundless-sdk is under development.


10:30AM – 10:45AM

GeoNode at U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Geographer by Tom Gertin

U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Geographer is actively involved in several GeoNode projects including the State Deptartment GeoNode and Secondary Cities GeoNode. Listen to how GeoNode is utilized and future opportunities for GeoNode within the State Department.

10:45AM – 11:15AM



11:15AM – 11:30AM

Harvard Worldmap by Paolo Corti

Harvard Worldmap Status Report 2016

WorldMap, launched in 2011, is a web platform for creating, displaying, analyzing, and searching spatial data and other data forms across multiple disciplines.

WorldMap is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free internet mapping electronic media site open to everyone that is housed at the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University and accessible at the WorldMap website makes it possible for those who are not experts in GIS and web mapping to explore, visualize, and share their research materials in a GIS spatial framework, enhancing their ability to conduct academic research, community service projects, and instructional activities. The WorldMap site allows users to add their own map layers and data sets, symbolize them, edit them, add overlays, add multimedia content (images, video, text), control access, and share or publish them.

WorldMap is based on a fork of the GeoNode platform. It is probably the largest GeoNode instance, with its 23k+ layers and 19k+ users. This talk will explore how GeoNode was scaled to improve the increased users demand, which new applications were developed on top of the GeoNode engine, and the plans for the future to sync with the mainstream project.


11:30AM – 11:45PM

Afghanistan Spatial Data Center: a GeoNode driven DRR platform by Emlyn Hagen

Extensive capabilities and potential customizations of the GeoNode are highlighted on the Afghanistan Spatial Data Center (ASDC), the principal geospatial information platform in Afghanistan. The ASDC is used daily by the humanitarian community for emergency response, forecasting, M&E and planning purposes.

Capabilities include:

  • Forecasting (including estimates on population at risk for each of the following):
    • Every hour the Flash Flood Risk is estimated valid for the next 6 hours
    • Every 6 hours the river flood risk is estimated for the next 4 days
    • Every day the snow cover and snow depth is estimated
    • Once a day the avalanche risk based on snow cover and depth is assessed
    • Earthquake data is being monitored every 5 minutes
    • +5M Earthquakes estimates on population shake intensity (approx. 1 1/2 hours after event)
  • Map statistics & Dashboard:
    • Flood risk areas and population/landcover type at risk
    • Avalanche risk areas and population at risk
    • Humanitarian Access for entire Afghanistan, incidents mapped daily
    • GSM coverage
    • Accessibility. Travel time and distance between points of interest:
  • User tracking, printing capabilities A1-A4


12:00PM – 01:00PM


01:00PM – 01:45PM

Strategies for improved software consistency and smoother GeoNode version migration by Matteo Nastasi

The GEM Foundation (Global Earthquake Model) uses GeoNode as the core of the OpenQuake platform, a collaborative web environment to share tools, documents, data, and scientific results.

This approach allowed us to reach our initial goals, however we encountered frequent regressions during development of new features, and found that our code-base also presented difficulties when attempting to migrate to newer versions of GeoNode.

In this presentation we describe the Test Framework that we developed to mitigate regressions, the tools and methodologies we have applied and our future plans to improve our software architecture and facilitate migration.

GEM is a non-profit foundation with a mission to produce models of earthquakes and their consequences, and open-source software and data to advance the science of seismic risk assessment.

GEM collaborates with experts around the world to create global datasets, regional models of seismic risk and tools to collect data, construct models and calculate risk.

Some example users include: scientists, engineers, risk analysts, students, emergency managers, policy makers.

01:45PM – 02:00PM

Malawi Spatial Data Platform by Paolo Pasquali

The Malawi Spatial Data Platform (MASDAP) is a data sharing tool launched in November 2012, managed by the Malawi National Spatial Data Center (in the Department of Surveys), in collaboration with the National Statistics Office and a number of technical Ministries. It is based on GeoNode and will create a platform for improved inter-agency information collaboration and enhanced public access for awareness-building, research, further knowledge product creation and decision support.

A substantial amount of data has already been collated, and it is envisioned that in the near future, MASDAP will include further information and visualization to the platform from various global and in-country sources, expanding institutional commitments to open data, supporting community mapping activities, and developing decision support tools that leverage open data to assist the Government of Malawi with contingency and land-use planning activities.

MASDAP is receiving start-up support through the World Bank DRM program under the Open Data for Resilience Initiative. ITHACA is currently developing a new version of MASDAP including a redesigned UX/UI, OpenStreetMap daily extracts of Malawi and a CMS integration.

02:00PM – 02:15PM

The RASOR platform by Lauro Rossi

The RASOR (Rapid Analysis and Spatialisation Of Risk) platform is aimed to perform multi-hazard risk analysis to support the full cycle of disaster management, including targeted support to critical infrastructure monitoring and climate change impact assessment. RASOR relies on GeoNode as main layers repository, importing tool and users database management.

A scenario-driven query system allow users to simulate future scenarios based on existing and assumed conditions, to compare with historical scenarios, and to model multi-hazard risk both before and during an event. RASOR adapts the newly developed 12m resolution TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to risk management applications, using it as a base layer to develop specific disaster scenarios. Cascading risk across hazard is also considered. Managers can, for example, determine how flood risk may change after an earthquake, due to damages on flood defenses, or assess risk to Critical Infrastructure Systems in terms of the residual functionality of a given system (e.g. energy, transport, health). Public authorities can determine the potential impact of sea surge scenarios based on actual, accurate subsidence and its effect on flood defence infrastructure. RASOR allows managers to perform quantitative cost-benefit analysis on the implementation of disaster mitigation measure.

RASOR is open-source and freely available.

02:15PM – 02:30PM

GeoNode Developments in support of GFDRR's Projects by Alessio Fabiani

GeoSolutions has supported the GFDRR Innovation Lab since mid 2015 on three main aspects:

  • Core Development and support on GeoNode.
  • Deployments of GeoNode.
  • Provisioning of GeoNode training within developing countries.

In this presentation we will cover the GeoNode developments we have performed as well as those which are planned: we will make use of and refer to technical designs and architectural improvements adopted in GeoNode, as well as to the related GeoNode Improvement Proposals (GNIPs) which provide an instrument to gather community feedback and build awareness.

Developments that have been performed and/or are planned on GeoNode outside the support activities to GFDRR will also be covered.

  • GNIP: Handling raster mosaics; as part of the C-READ work. GeoServer supports mosaics with custom dimensions, but there is no way to configure them on GeoNode. It is proposed to add new (optional) functionalities to provide handling of mosaics.
  • Update GeoServer version to 2.9.x; alignment of the GeoServer extension for GeoNode and the GeoNode code-base to version 2.9.x of GeoServer.
  • GNIP: GeoNode Windows Installer; a self contained installer package for Windows servers, which can be easily used by the administrators or end users in order to test the GeoNode functionalities and cleanup the system afterwards.
  • GNIP: GeoNode Backup and Restore; automatic GeoNode/GeoServer backup and restore procedures and management commands. Part of this work consisted also into the development of a “Spring-Batch” Backup&Restore module for GeoServer.
  • GNIP: GeoServer A&A Improvements; funded by Boundless, for the refactoring of the security integration between GeoServer and GeoNode reusing, where possible, available GeoServer capabilities either via the core version or via existing plugins or creating extensions that would live in the GeoServer codebase where needed. Part of this work consisted also into allowing GeoServer to Authenticate through the OAuth2 Protocol and to have GeoNode act as an OAUTH2 provider.
  • GNIP: Better management of “View” and “Download” permissions; as part of the “A&A Improvements” GNIP, this GNIP aims to improve the management of “View” and “Download” layers permissions by separating concerns between backend mapping services (OGC “WMS-like” services) and raw-data stream services (OGC “W[F,C]S-like” services).
  • GNIP: GeoNode Metadata Editor Improvements; the new GeoNode Metadata Editing Form should be more user-friendly, for instance by driving users to edit mandatory metadata, and helping them to easily spot the missing parts.
  • GeoNode Notification Refactoring; the purpose of this proposal is to improve the GeoNode notifications system in order to allow GeoNode to collect notifications about resource modifications and to disseminate them asynchronously.
  • GeoNode Monitoring Tools; introduce Logging, Monitoring, Alerting and Analytics DevOps tools for a better control of the GeoNode Platform and its components.
  • Afghanistan Disaster Risk Management GeoNode ( which was developed by ENEA to host and share risk data over Afghanistan. New capabilities are being discussed: one module would allow users to dynamically explore the potential costs and benefits of the pre-calculated risk management options, by sliding bars, changing numbers and getting outputs in graphs, charts and maps. The second module would allow users to easily extract maps and tabular results for indicators of interest, using drop-down menus and boxes that filter existing information and maps.
  • MapStore 2 integration, to use a modern React-Based mapping component within GeoNode.
02:30PM – 02:45PM

CartoView: Web Mapping Application Framework for GeoNode by Ahmed Osman

CartoView is a GeoNode project.

CartoView extends GeoNode to provide the ability to create, share, and visualize GIS Web Mapping Applications very easily and very quickly from the browser without programming.

Cartoview enables communities of users to share geospatial applications, to collaborate on these applications, and to exchange the underlying data as Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant web services

CartoView is developed and maintained by CartoLogic.

02:45PM – 03:00PM

GeoServer intro and beyond for the GeoNode stakeholder by Alessio Fabiani, Simone Giannecchini

GeoNode relies on GeoServer by default for some of its core functionalities related to serving geospatial data. This presentation will provide an introduction to the GeoServer project and its abilities to publish data with a mix of well known OGC protocols and other popular protocol and data formats, like:

  • Setting up vector and raster data from the GeoServer administration control
  • Styling layers using desktop tools, with a carousel of GeoServer mapping abilities
  • Tile caching with WMTS

but it will also go beyond that, introducing advanced capabilities like

  • Data processing with WPS
  • Security
  • Spatiotemporal data handling
03:00PM – 03:15PM



03:15PM – 03:30PM

Harvard Hypermap by Benjamin Lewis

A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a framework of geospatial data, metadata, users and tools intended to provide an efficient and flexible way to use spatial information. One of the key software components of an SDI is the catalogue service which is needed to discover, query, and manage the metadata. Catalogue services in an SDI are typically based on the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) standard which defines common interfaces for accessing the metadata information.

A search engine is a software system capable of supporting fast and reliable search, which may use “any means necessary” to get users to the resources they need quickly and efficiently. These techniques may include features such as full text search, natural language processing, weighted results, fuzzy tolerance results, faceting, hit highlighting, recommendations, feedback mechanisms based on log mining, usage statistic gathering, and many others. In this paper we will be focusing on improving geospatial search with a search engine platform that uses Lucene, a Java-based search library, at its core.

In work funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Centre for Geographic Analysis (CGA) at Harvard University is in the process of re-engineering the search component of its public domain SDI (WorldMap) which is based on the GeoNode platform. In the process the CGA has developed Harvard Hypermap (HHypermap), a map services registry and search platform independent from WorldMap.

The goal of HHypermap is to provide a framework for building and maintaining a comprehensive registry of web map services, and because such a registry is expected to be large, the system supports the development of clients with modern search capabilities such as spatial and temporal faceting and instant previews via an open API. Behind the scenes HHypermap scalably harvests OGC and Esri service metadata from distributed servers, organizes that information, and pushes it to a search engine. The system monitors services for reliability and uses that to improve search. End users will be able to search the SDI metadata using standard interfaces provided by the internal CSW catalogue, and will benefit from the enhanced search possibilities provided by an advanced search engine. HHypermap is built on an open source software stack.

Harvard Hypermap WorldMap

03:30PM – 03:45PM

Boundless Exchange and Geoserver A & A Demo by Daniel Berry, Alessio Fabiani (GeoSolutions)

Boundless Exchange is a commercially supported GeoNode project. It facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data. For power users, advanced editing capabilities for versioned workflows via the web browser are included. Boundless Exchange is powered by GeoNode, GeoGig and GeoServer.

Boundless Exchange Community Slides | exchange on GitHub | GeoServer A & A PDF

03:45PM – 04:00PM

CIDEHUS Digital Atlas: the past digitally present. by Ivo Santos

CIDEHUS [1] Digital Atlas is a GeoNode based SDI that aims to freely distribute historical cartography and outputs from the research on Digital Humanities. This paper focus on the methodology and characteristics of the SDI we are trying to implement. Some of these characteristics define the way in which it has to be build.

For example: data outputs in the humanities research fields are very heterogeneous and also the authors’ GIS skills are diverse; different representations of time, i.e. relative and absolute dates (century, year, radiocarbon calibrated data…); different ways in which the data is represented (most of them not following any standard); it is necessary local and world historical cartography (raster); to deal with huge semantic databases.

Our goal is to provide and maintain a current SDI with search and faceting capacity for spatial and temporal data sources dealing with these different characteristics.

In order to so, we are trying to move forward Big Data, GeoSPARQL and other related tools to make it efficient and fast, but also to setup an API to provide links to a future touristic mobile application. Finally, we are considering to implement some changes in GeoNode, such as new ways to represent time, since we count with different representations of temporal spans.

[1] CIDEHUS is a Portuguese Research Unit devoted to everything related with present and past (South of Portugal and South of Europe and the geographies connected with these in a historical approach).

04:00PM – 04:15PM

QGIS Server as a backend for GeoNode by Etienne Trimaille

QGIS is probably the most popular and well known Free and Open Source Desktop GIS. Perhaps less well know is the fact that there is also an OGC Server implementation based on the same libraries called QGIS Server. Kartoza was funded by WorldBank/GFDRR to add support for using the QGIS Server backend as an alternative to GeoServer. The advantage of this approach is that users can define layer cartography on their desktops using QGIS and then publish a layer along with its cartography to the web. In this talk we will describe how we implemented this, as well as some of the challenges we faced and future avenues of work we intend to do.

04:15PM – 04:30PM

GeoSAFE - a Disaster Contingency Planning tool for GeoNode based on InaSAFE by Rizky Maulana Nugraha

InaSAFE is a QGIS plugin that helps disaster managers plan for disasters. Although InaSAFE runs on the QGIS desktop environment, the same core code base can be deployed in other context whilst still making use of the QGIS libraries. In this session we will explain how we went about deploying a QGIS plugin in GeoNode and some of the design considerations that were required in the process.

04:30PM – 05:00PM

Group Photo

Group Photo

Thursday, December 1 : Roadmapping Day

At World Food Programme (WFP) - Delegates Lounge (Ground Floor)

8:30AM – 8:45AM



8:45AM – 09:15AM

Current GNIPs

Current GNIPs

09:15AM – 10:00AM

GeoNode 2.x

GeoNode 2.x

10:00AM – 10:15AM



10:15AM – 12:00PM

GeoNode 3.0

GeoNode 3.0

12:00PM – 01:00PM



01:00PM – 02:30PM



02:30PM – 02:45PM



02:45PM – 03:45PM



03:45PM – 05:00PM



Friday, December 2 : Prioritization