ResourcesGrid Plugin


(inner) ResourcesGrid.

renders a grid of resource cards, providing the ability to create pages to show a filtered / curated list of resources. For example, a landing page showing only geostories, one page per category or group with a title, some text, etc.
Name Type Description
defaultQuery string The pre-set filter to be applied by default
order object an object defining sort options for resource grid.
extent object the extent used in filters side menu to limit search within set bounds.
menuItems array contains menu for Add resources button.
filtersFormItems array Provides config for various filter metrics.
pagePath string provided page url path.
pageSize number number of resources per page. Used in pagination.
targetSelector string selector for parent node of resource
headerNodeSelector string selector for rendered header.
navbarNodeSelector string selector for rendered navbar.
footerNodeSelector string selector for rendered footer.
containerSelector string selector for rendered resource card grid container.
scrollContainerSelector string selector for outer container of resource cards rendered. This is the parent on which scrolling takes place.
pagination boolean Provides a config to allow for pagination
disableDetailPanel boolean Provides a config to allow resource details to be viewed when selected.
disableFilters boolean Provides a config to enable/disable filtering of resources
filterPagePath string sets path for filters page when filter button is clicked
resourceCardActionsOrder array order in which `cfg.items` will be rendered
enableGeoNodeCardsMenuItems boolean Provides a config to allow for card menu items to be enabled/disabled.
panel boolean when enabled, the component render the list of resources, filters and details preview inside a panel
cardLayoutStyle string when specified, the card layout option is forced and the button to toggle card layout is hidden
defaultCardLayoutStyle string default layout card style. One of 'list'|'grid'
detailsTabs array array of tab object representing the structure of the displayed info properties (see tabs in module:DetailViewer)
  "name": "ResourcesGrid",
   "cfg": {
       targetSelector: '#custom-resources-grid',
       containerSelector: '.gn-container',
       menuItems: [],
       filtersFormItems: [],
       defaultQuery: {
         f: 'dataset'
       pagePath: '/catalogue/',
       pagination: false,
       disableDetailPanel: true,
       disableFilters: true,
       enableGeoNodeCardsMenuItems: true