Create a custom resources page

Geonode allows for the creation of custom pages to display specific types of resources of interest. In this way, it is possible to create a page with a title and some text, to perhaps, display only dashboards, a particular category or group, etc.

Below are the steps required to create a custom resource grid page:

  • create a new html template named geostory_resources_page.html inside the geonode-project-name/src/geonode_project_name/templates/ directory
|-- ...
|-- src/
|    |-- geonode_project_name/
|         |-- ...
|         +-- templates/
|              |-- ...
|              +-- geostory_resources_page.html
|-- ...
  • add the following block extension in the geostory_resources_page.html template
{% extends "page.html" %}

{% block container %}
    <div class="gn-container">
        <div id="custom-resources-grid"></div>
        window.addEventListener('mapstore:ready', function(event) {
            const msAPI = event.detail;
                    name: 'ResourcesGrid',
                    cfg: {
                        targetSelector: '#custom-resources-grid',
                        containerSelector: '.gn-container',
                        menuItems: [],
                        filtersFormItems: [],
                        defaultQuery: {
                            f: 'geostory'
                        pagination: true
                { name: 'SaveAs', cfg: { closeOnSave: true } },
                { name: 'DeleteResource' },
                { name: 'DownloadResource' },
                { name: 'Notifications' }
{% endblock %}

  • add the new page inside inside urlpatterns list
urlpatterns += [
    url('geostory_resources_page', view=TemplateView.as_view(template_name='geostory_resources_page.html'))
  • Now visit /geostory_resources_page. You should see a new page displaying a grid of geostories from the database.