This week saw the inclusion of the upload improvements from Ariel Nuñez and Ole Nielsen of the Risiko project, which allowed us to add some tests to the integration suite. The next step with regards to the continuous integration server is to establish some policies around adding tests and ensuring that coverage continues to grow.
This week also saw some new faces on the contributor list—in particular, we have our first-ever pull request from newcomer "simod" on Github. Welcome aboard!
Next week, GeoNode sponsors and stakeholders will be meeting at the World Bank office in Washington, DC for the first ever GeoNode Roadmapping Summit. There, contributing organizations will be presenting their visions for GeoNode development and prioritizing their goals for the upcoming year. Participants include OpenGeo, GFDRR Labs, Harvard CGA, AIFDR, GEM, NASA SERVIR, and MapStory.
Posted at - May 13, 2011, 5:35 p.m.