GeoNode development drives GeoExt Styling components

One of the features we hope to add to GeoNode in the next month or two is an integrated Styler application. It will enable users to use GeoNode as a cartographic tool.

The aim of including this kind of GIS feature in GeoNode is to provide users a practical incentive to upload and maintain their data. Engaged users are the key to successful data management on the internet, and it should be no different for spatial data infrastructure.

Also key to the GeoNode's plan for success is that it is built on a robust base of open source tools. That's why as part of our development of the integrated Styler application, OpenGeo is contributing styling user interface components to GeoExt. By dedicating our effort to the underlying open source communities, we can share the results of our work with as many people as possible. And later, as the GeoExt community elaborates and improves upon those components, it will be easier for us to build those benefits back into GeoNode for the benefit of users.

Openness creates a win-win situation for everyone involved. That's what GeoNode is all about.

Posted at - March 2, 2010, 5:21 p.m.

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