Explore Maps

Spatial Data Infrastructure

Essential components for OGC-compliant services

GeoNode includes the essential building blocks that an agency needs to deploy an OGC-compliant spatial data infrastructure (SDI). Having GeoServer as a foundation enables you to publish data from a wide variety of spatial data sources using open protocols from the OGC such as Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS).

GeoNode's metadata and cataloguing system also enables publishing metadata in a variety of standards (ISO, FGDC, NASA DIF, Dublin Core). The catalogue implementation, pycsw, is certified OGC-compliant and a Catalog Service for Web (CSW) reference implementation.

  • Web Map Service (WMS)
  • Web Feature Service (WFS)
  • Web Coverage Service (WCS)
  • Catalog Service for Web (CSW)
  • Web Map Context (WMC)
  • Tile Map Service (TMS)
Learn about GeoNode for SDI
Explore Maps


A framework for securing your users' data

GeoNode builds on Django's authentication framework and integrates with GeoServer's security subsystem. Permissions can be applied to layers and maps and can be used to assign read, write, and edit permissions to them. Data can be freely open to the public or accessible only by authorized users.

External services for authentication are available such as oAuth and LDAP, as well as through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

  • Layer and map object permissions
  • Integration with GeoServer security at the service level
  • Integration with external authentication services
Learn about GeoNode's security framework


Designed for reliability under all load conditions

GeoNode's web components are based on Django, used on some of the highest traffic sites on the web. Caching can be implemented at several levels including at the page and layer level.

Additionally GeoNode leverages GeoWebCache to cache map tiles dramatically improving performance for your users and making it possible to run high-traffic sites with minimal demands on your infrastructure.

GeoNode can also be deployed to cloud based services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or OpenShift, making scalability on those platforms automatic and frictionless.

  • Cache map tiles locally or to a content delivery network (CDN)
Learn about deploying and scaling GeoNode
Explore Maps
Explore Maps

Administration Console

Leverage the Django Administration Console

GeoNode provides a customized version of the default Django Administration and Management Console which provides an interface for viewing the entire set of modules and data that make up a GeoNode instance and to perform bulk operations. The console can also be used to do basic usage monitoring and to monitor user-provided content.

  • Metadata editing
  • Bulk operations